Verify with Confidence
DataChecker is your partner for smart online identity verification solutions. We facilitate these solutions worldwide with a unique combination of usability, safety, support and technology and we are IDSP certified
Check our certificate HereOur solutions
Smart online identification & verification solutions
Check out our identification & verification solutions-
Face compare, Autocapture, Deepfake detection, OCR and NFC are a number of technologies that we have developed at DataChecker ›
Support & SLA
By making the right translation from data to solutions, DataChecker distinguishes itself from other providers in the market. ›
As a specialist in the field of online verification solutions, we help organisations from various industries to optimise their onboarding processes. ›
Data processing
DataChecker's objective is to protect you and your organisation against persons and or companies that can cause you damage. ›
View our vacancies ›
Do you want to know everything about the laws and regulations in your sector?
In our whitepaper you can read everything about the laws and regulations in relation to identification and verification processes. Request it for free!
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