HR service provider RGF Staffing: "We would like even more cooperation with DataChecker"
Call it a show of confidence, says Frank van 't Klooster, Process Center Manager at RGF Staffing The Netherlands.
As an employer you can of course look for staff yourself. But RGF Staffing specializes in this and therefore often has the right employees ready much faster. Every year, RGF Staffing manages to find good fillings for thousands of vacancies – from temporary temporary workers to permanent employees and from low to highly educated professionals. “It involves a lot of people,” says Frank. “And the papers for each of them must be legally in order. Certainly also the IDs.”
Great importance
RGF Staffing pays a lot of attention to checking ID documents. “It must run smoothly and error-free. We do our utmost for that. This way we avoid accidentally employing someone who is not actually allowed to work, with possible consequences for us and our client.” Such an error can, for example, be noticed during a NEN audit, he says, and then result in a note. “If this happens more often, our crucial NEN certification could even be at risk. Checking someone's ID may seem like a small thing. But it is very important for our company.”
RGF Staffing once put ID verification in the hands of its own employees. “But in the long run that turned out not to be the best possible solution. More and more rules were introduced, which also changed more and more often. This made checking documents increasingly complex and increased the chance of errors.” RGF Staffing therefore looked for a party that had ID verification as its core business. And found that expert in DataChecker. “An additional plus was that they had already highly automated the control process. Computers simply make fewer mistakes than people.”
Verify everything
“We have been working with DataChecker for a long time,” says Frank. “Even before I started here in 2012.” The service has certainly changed in those years. “For example, in the past, prospective employees had to come to a branch to verify their ID. Only our branch employees could then upload a photo of this proof to the DataChecker system. But for several years now, candidates have also been able to do this themselves – just as safely and from home – via a 'Secure ID Link' that DataChecker sends them.”
What has always remained the same is the focus of DataCheckers verification. “So far we have only asked them to check IDs,” says Frank. “But we would like them to eventually also verify other information that is necessary to employ someone. In addition to ID proofs, for example, required professional diplomas and Certificates of Good Conduct. Or the legally required registration in professional registers, such as the BIG register for healthcare providers.”
Special stamps
DataChecker customers can choose basic or extended verification. RGF Staffing chooses the latter. “During the basic check, DataChecker's software only looks at the MRZ code on the ID card,” Frank explains. “The plus check also includes an automatic check for other elements, such as spelling, hologram, font and passport photo. In addition, at Plus there is always a manual check by a document expert.” This last check is especially useful for IDs from outside the EU. “Verification is often more difficult. For example, because the passport is in a different script. Or because a residence permit sticker has been stuck on it.”
DataChecker does not check the ID documents themselves, but only photos of these documents. “Our employees check the physical copies themselves. DataChecker is not necessary for this. But for the rest of the verification, we would like them to take as much off our hands as possible - including checking faces remotely.” If RGF Staffing only has online contact with candidates, its own employees now use video calling to see whether those candidates resemble their passport photo. “But such a check is sharper if you use good software for it. And DataChecker has such software.”
Additional calls
“In addition to their software, their support is also good,” says Frank. “If branch employees have a question, they can chat about it with DataChecker in the verification portal in which they upload photos. They get a response within a minute; Super fast." In any case, Frank is very pleased with DataChecker's pace. “We have a KPI of 24 hours for verification. But DataChecker often takes less than twenty minutes to process IDs from the EU! Very useful if we already have a workplace for a candidate the next morning.”
However positive he is about the chat function, Frank would prefer to see less contact with DataChecker. “About specific documents then. It may be a dream, but it would be nice if such contact were unnecessary. If employees never had to call support. If only DataChecker's system was enough for them.” This system notifies them, among other things, if documents are valid, appear to be invalid or need to be better visualized. With the latter it also shows what is wrong with the image, such as overexposure.
Data for control
Frank may dream about less support, but he would like to see an increase in other contact. “We have asked DataChecker to keep us informed more often and more proactively about the latest developments. From relevant laws and regulations to experiences with other customers. We also want her to involve us more closely in her own innovations. Not only by asking us what our wishes are, but also by showing what she does with that input and explaining why it has or has not been used.”
DataChecker is increasingly taking on that role of advisor and collaboration partner, says Frank. “For example, they now send us reports full of relevant data, such as numbers of verifications, approvals and rejections – including reasons for rejection.” Such a rejection does not necessarily indicate a forgery, Frank emphasizes. “Something may have gone wrong when taking the photo. If we know what goes wrong, we can better direct employees. And the fewer mistakes they make, the fewer checks are needed.”
High level
“We have full confidence in the collaboration again,” Frank concludes. A few years ago, RGF Staffing had some doubts about whether to continue with DataChecker. “Because of the lack of proactive advice. And because we thought the then version of the verification software was not sharp enough. We saw too much risk of error. But DataChecker has taken our feedback on this very well. As a result, the software is now at a high level again. Are our noses pointing in the same direction? And together we will move forward at full speed.”