Secure and remote identification solutions for patients and employees



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Onboarding requirements

Legislation and regulations require healthcare institutions to verify existing and new patients. In addition, healthcare institutions are obliged to keep a medical file of every patient. This medical file contains information about health, treatment, name and address details and data, such as their national insurance number.

In most countries, it is a legal requirement for a patient to identify with the healthcare institution. Patients can only identify themselves to a healthcare provider with a valid passport, identity card, driving license or alien document. The GDPR legislation (General Data Protection Regulation) requires healthcare institutions to handle patients' privacy and sensitive information with care. Particularly nowadays with vasts amounts of personal infromation being digitised.

In addition, accountability applies to healthcare providers. This obligation means that institutions must be able to demonstrate that the correct technical and organisational measures have been taken with regard to the security of personal data.


Healthcare institutions often have large volumes of patients. If processes are not set up securely  and efficiently, healthcare institutions run an increased risk of a data breach and all the associated sanctions. At large healthcare institutions, verifying new patients is often done by different employees. Due to the digitisation and the exchange of medical files between healthcare institutions, this presents an extra challenge.

Automation and digitisation of processes

We can help automate the patient identification and verification process in a user-friendly and secure digital environment that complies with GDPR laws and regulations. Identity documents are verified in this way so that healthcare institutions no longer run unnecessary risks.

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Whitepaper Healthcare


In our whitepaper you can read everything about the identification obligation for healthcare institutions. Request it for free!

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