Easier and safer: the ID-check with securelink

10 juli 2018

Safe & Secure

No matter what your product or service is, you want to know who you’re doing business with. In that sense, an identity check becomes a part of your processes. The actual checking of documents still takes quite a bit of time and effort. And that’s not taking into account the possibility of safety risks. In this article, you’ll read what the risks are and how you can still perform a simple identity check while lowering the risks.

Stricter law on privacy (AVG/GDPR) to take effect

Started on May 25, 2018, the GDPR (shortened to AVG in Dutch) is actively maintained by the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens). This new privacy law has quite a few consequences for the way you process personal information. 

Anyone who violates that law – for example by being careless with sensitive personal information, like proof of identification – could be hit with hefty fines up to 20 million euro or 4 percent of the yearly global revenue. And that’s not even considering the damage to your reputation if you’re found guilty of improperly processing or causing a leak of sensitive information.

Privacy by design: don’t process more than you need to know

An important principle from the GDPR is privacy by design: you process only that personal data that you absolutely need. The passport number, BSN, photograph, or place of birth aren’t always a part of that necessary information. Then why should you bother to store a copy of a passport or identity card in your database? Additionally, processing that kind of information manually often takes quite a lot of time and the processes aren’t necessarily optimised for secure data transfer.

Stop risking, start identifying

What you actually want to know is this: is person X truly person X?

With Datachecker’s ID-check Service you’ll get a quick and safe answer to that question without unnecessarily processing sensitive personal data yourself. You’ll get an automated delivery of the information you truly need, resulting in a safe and responsible way of dealing with the personal data of your potential employees, clients, or (online) visitors.

Our ID-check Service is accessible 24/7, can be used in combination with international identification papers, can be linked to your software package, and offers the option to pay as you go.

Curious about the possibilities? Contact us for more information today!