Large number of violations of the Dutch WAV in the hospitality industry

28 april 2020

The Dutch inspectorate SZW* performs a check on various laws and regulations at 178 hospitality companies in the Netherlands. The investigation has now been completed at 107 companies and more than half of the companies didn’t comply. Employees are often too young or don’t have the required documentation to perform work in the Netherlands. The main cause is the lack of knowledge about this laws and regulations. 

The Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wav)

One of the laws that hospitality companies must comply with is the Dutch Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wav). The inspection found 17 violations in which employees worked without the required documents. Employers are obliged to determine whether an employee may be employed in the Netherlands. If an employee is employed without the required documentation, the risk of fines is for the employer.


A foreign employee doesn't have the right to work in the Netherlands without a valid work permit.


Vine per employee

The vine for not complying with the requirements of employment is €8000 per employee. The vine could be increased with 50%, 100%, or even 200% in case of a similar violation. 


Comply with laws and regulations

The employer is required to comply with laws and regulations to prevent sanctions. The verification on employment is an essential part. DataChecker verifies the identity and determines whether the employee is entitled to work in the Netherlands. We support organisations on a daily basis with the design of a secure onboarding process. Curious about what we can do for your organisation? Contact us!


*SZW = The Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment