Identity fraud still a problem in 2019
Identity fraud is very much a current issue. RamBam made that painfully clear in an episode in early January. The Dutch television programme on consumer issues demonstrated that a copy of someone’s passport or driving license is enough to place an order or to open an account. Even renting a home is no trouble at all, since it’s sufficient to present a copy of a piece of identification.
Identity fraud is very much a current issue. RamBam made that painfully clear in an episode in early January. The Dutch television programme on consumer issues demonstrated that a copy of someone’s passport or driving license is enough to place an order or to open an account. Even renting a home is no trouble at all, since it’s sufficient to present a copy of a piece of identification.
Time to take measures
According to the PvdA (the Labour Party in the Netherlands), it’s time to take measures. Minister Grapperhaus (of the Ministry of Justice & Security) and minister Hoekstra (of Finances) must take action against identity fraud. First, banks need to demonstrate more transparency. The PvdA wants to know which types of data banks are obligated to verify before opening an account. In addition, Grapperhaus and Hoekstra must also clarify whether banks are being monitored in any way when they are verifying personal information. Now that physical branches are slowly disappearing, they must also research whether that puts an extra strain on the effectiveness of identity verification.
The question has also been asked whether there are higher risks associated with verifying identification documents when banks outsource that task to third parties. Beyond that, Grapperhaus and Hoekstra must also present their position on the issue of individuals who, after some cutting and pasting, can use a copied piece of identification to take out a loan in someone else’s name. Of key importance here is that they indicate whether this type of fraud is becoming more frequent.
The Netherlands is number 1 in data leaks
Since the implementation of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), The Netherlands has had the highest number of data breaches in Europe. Clearly, it’s important that we take action against all forms of identity fraud. Members Nijboer and Kuiken of the PvdA have asked ministers the following question: “When it comes to identity checks in financial matters, do you agree that there should always be a personal check of the original piece of identification?” The PvdA is demanding a plan that outlines which measures the ministers are willing to take to further limit any avenues for identity fraud. Conversations with banks and lenders are essential to finding a solution. The PvdA has given Grapperhaus and Hoekstra three weeks to formulate a response.
How to avoid identity fraud
Stealing an identity is easier than we could imagine, that much is clear. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless against it. DataChecker’s solutions offer the kind of security that complies with all laws and regulations. Would you like to know how you can avoid identity fraud? Take a look at the solutions offered by DataChecker.